Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Procrastinators contest
The prize is just spectacular, and you can go straight to the relevant page of the website by clicking here. You have until the middle of March to get your act together, so take a snoop around the rest of their site first. You also don't need to be in Toronto (or even Canada) to take part, so that helps, too.
Now what to pick, between my jumper that I didn't have enough wool to finish the roll neck three years ago, or the chocolate tin of unfinished animal parts... Or even the bag of partially started (not even partially finished) felt brooches I just bought over on Etsy (I know, I know, the ladies from Hoarders Unite will be on to me again!)
I'm going to finish here before this list of unfinished items goes into double figures. But go and take a look, and enter the contest, it sounds like a lot of fun.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Eye Candy
In no particular order, but first of all Lou Lou & Oscar, and also HeartHandmade (I can't do those little heart thingies, forgive me). My friend Josie also put me onto Domestica - she is one of their giveaway winners this month!
Now stop hanging around here and go and read!
Monday, 23 February 2009
Ooh, someone spied my envelopes
I also sold a set of the same envelopes recently through, and they are on their way to upstate New York. Another Etsy connection to the same region is my recent purchase from the amazingly talented Erin, of I've had a bit of an Etsy crush on Haunt since she was the featured seller on Etsy last year, and vowed to put in a huge order on her bath and body products in time for my hen weekend (which is where I have been for the last few days). I wasn't disappointed, and can whole-heartedly recommend this, this and especially this, which smells like you've rolled in After Eights, without having to clean up afterwards. Nom nom nom.
I also bought a few other bits and bobs on Etsy for the hen do, but I'll have to catch up with you later on those, as I am still tired and recovering! I can't believe it's only Tuesday...
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Hey, ladies!
Saturday, 14 February 2009
I've donated one of my products to and will be shopping from the wide range of products on offer in this new shop. Already they have raised more than $5000 AUS and the hard work and dedication of etsy seller feliciafairy is inspirational.
To donate a product, send a convo to the shop, and verify the email address to which you will have to send your product images, description, tags and price. Your product will then be uploaded, and when it sells, you will be contacted with the address for sending. All participating etsy sellers are funding the postage costs to keep things simple for buyers.
As a buyer, all you have to do is browse, buy and wait for your goodies. It's a great opportunity to get free shipping on all manner of items, truly the best of etsy. Etsy admin have approved the appeal, and money transfers from PayPal (banked every Monday, first payment to be transferred 16 February) are shown clearly on the donation website.
For the record, I donated my most-hearted item, these upcycled envelopes made from Laura Ashley wallpaper. As of lunchtime on Saturday, they're uploaded and ready for sale.
Update on 15 Feb: my envelopes sold! Thank you to the generous buyer. Missed out? Get more here.
Friday, 13 February 2009
The sewing pile

Monday, 9 February 2009
Upload your workspace today!
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Craft magazine's Valentines contest
Friday, 6 February 2009
Updating my blog
I've decided that this blog needs an overhaul. I've done away with the backgrounds and moved to plain white, and I've been updating my links to other blogs that I admire. Mixed in with the other blogs I love to read every day, you can see all the Glasgow Craft Mafia bloggers over to the right, there ------------------>
I'll be working towards achieving a whole new look and format for the blog in a couple of weeks, when I've taken a week off my day job to do some much needed 'admin' across all my web outlets. I'm looking forward to:
- uploading ALL my recent photos to my flickr account
- doing something... anything... to my myspace page ugh
- working out the mystery of linking my facebook to etsy - I know it can be done!
- looking at the amazingly helpful hints on managing a good blog using blogger, provided by designer Jessica Jones of How About Orange
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
I'm in a treasury!

I'm so thrilled, thank you so much to - you rock!
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
A new product... maybe?

Lots of crafty goings-on
I've also been very busy crafting in anticipation of my hen weekend, which is this month! I'm so very excited. If you are reading this and you are one of my hens, look away now, you'll only spoil it for yourself...
First up, I made some cards with a guide on what to bring for our weekend away, and some instructions for where we are meeting up. I ordered some gorgeous rubber stamps from Corrabelle, of the Mayberry Sparrow. When I told Corra what I was making, even though she wasn't selling them already, she designed and sent me a suitcase stamp, isn't it adorable? I love her vintage style and the craftsmanship on the stamps themselves is wonderful. They even have a very special tin to live in, it used to contain ink cartridges but they have been demoted for my new favourite things!
For the rest of the week, I'll be sending these lists out with hand-drawn maps and links to relevant driving instructions for all the girls. After much fighting with my laptop and printer, I've managed to put resize, format and print hand-drawn or altered maps on the back of three of the cards, I think it took me about two and a half hours for each one, and I've run out of card, so that's that. I hope it's worth all the effort!
Once the pre-weekend stuff is sent, I have a whole 'nother to-do list to get started on. With upcycled t-shirts, fabric ink (thanks for the tip-off, Marceline), this felt and some pin backs from Muer, as well as some super-special-top-secret purchases from the amazing Magda of Craftpudding, I'll be making felt brooches for everyone in a dazzling array of colours.
They'll go into a gift bag (these guys make the best recycled bags and boxes ever), decorated to match the brooches and orange checklists, along with sweet treats, cosmetic samples, lip gloss and all kinds of crafty bits and bobs that came in the Little Silver Box from Aileen in Aberdeen. The company I work for in my ever-diminishing free time, AQA, recently had a book out, so they'll all be getting a copy of that too! I'm on p44 talking about David Niven - woo-hoo!
Once I've made them, I'll post some photos of the place-cards, door hangers, and menus (yes, that's what the spoon and fork stamps are for), and once I've finished sewing them, I can show you the hot pink legwarmers I've made for my bridesmaid Jenn. She's currently stranded in Nepal, so she won't be back in time, but she might need the legwarmers once she's back in Blighty if the weather carries on the way it has been! For a sneak peek, check out my chunky fingerless gloves in my etsy shop. Don't worry, she REALLY loves that colour!
So between this, the radio excitement, the tweeting, the guest-writing of the GCM blog, the sales in my little shop and moseying on down to country crafting!, it's been a busy old week!
I nearly didn't have time to mention this miniature upcycled banner, in the shop right now in time for Valentine's Day.

Fish and penguin