Some handknitted baby blankets that I planned to donate to a different charity in London (but ended up sending to Woolly Hugs because they sent me their mailing address in double time, before I could lose the email, which is what happened the first time around when I know I saw a link for where to send them on facebook but couldn't find it again by the time I'd woven in all my ends).
My Oh Comely care package is on its way to Liverpool in the post.
I took part in the Inver Cottage craft fair on Sunday (I had the fish and chips).

I even went to see a gig last Wednesday night in Edinburgh, by Public Broadcasting Service. It was one of the most intense and entertaining gigs I have ever been to (and in my previous life as a music journalist, I've been to a lot). I enjoyed it so much, I almost had a review drafted out in my head on the way home in the car, I may work it up if I get five minutes in the next couple of weeks. But for now, I'll say that it was a very good time, and the people watching was as much fun as the show itself. And I was able to impress with my newfound t-shirt printing knowledge to point out to my friend which shirt was the best value for money i.e. the most expensive to produce but still priced the same as all the others. I love me a bit of insider information!
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