Saturday, 28 March 2009

I have 100 hearts

I was checking out my stats on Craftcult and see that 100 people have now hearted me. The most recent is a local, Emma, who blogs here and has a lo-fi but meaningful card range on Emma also draws inspiration from Empire Records, which gives her great taste in my book. I often find myself quoting Liv Tyler's character and saying 'there are 24 usable hours in every day' when people ask me how I fit in work, craft and studying.
I definitely have my eye on this card for a friend's new arrival expected later this year:

I'd actually noticed (and hearted) Emma's shop before when it was recommended to me by Andrea, of Flannery O'Kafka, another locally-based crafter with delicious dolls, highly collectable found objects, and such well-put-together collaged ACEOs which I'm literally in awe of. Such a talented lady. Drop by and see her shop when you can. In the meantime, meet Fern, a Flannery O'Kafka Doll

And don't forget the first Glasgow Craft Mafia craft fair of the season - tomorrow, Mono, 12 to 5pm!