Tuesday, 3 November 2009

I need your help

A few months ago I was contacted with a heads up that my coffee kilts were slated to be featured in the November issue of the US version of Country Living magazine, as part of a wider feature on tartan.

I've tried all our bookstores and international newsagents here in Glasgow and I can't find a copy for my scrapbook. So if you are reading this in the US and are a subscriber to the magazine, I would be so hugely grateful for a scanned copy of any mention of my products.

If you could drop me an email to katy [at] girlindustries [dot] com that would be really very sweet indeed. Or leave a comment here to let me know if I'm definitely in. I didn't make it to the online verison of the article (here) and the suspense is really quite something!


Sinclair said...

Is it the current issue that you are in? I am not a subscriber, but I could try to locate a copy. Email me.