Here I am, as promised, with the Girl Industries manifesto for 2010!
It looks as though we are going to be moving house and it could well be a renovation job (I'm spending a lot of time looking to
A Home for All Seasons for inspiration here), so for the first half of the year at least I'll be scaling back the crafting and making for the shop. One other pressure on my time at the moment is the fact that I absolutely must complete my MSc dissertation by the summertime so there is time for all the administrative process to take place before my final deadline at the end of the year. It's a really prestigious course with the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, so I don't really want to mess it up. It's also pretty important for my day job, and is on a really interesting topic, so I have a lot of time and effort invested in it, it would be such a shame to fall at the last hurdle.
So for 2010, I'll be concentrating on the
upcycled envelopes (which are such a joy to make and really becoming very popular), a few little wedding themed bits and pieces, including a wedding zine that I've been working on, a craft kit that I've been putting together (with some help from Marceline of
Asking For Trouble) over the last year or so, and, of course, there'll be an Answers on a Postcard zine to look forward to at the end of every month.
I'll be doing very few, if any, markets this year as my weekends will be taken up with research, writing and evaluating for my dissertation study project and I'll have to stop the destash as I start to pack all my crafting hoard away over the next few weeks! I'm sure no-one will want to buy the flat we currently live in with piles of half finished projects and random tins of haberdashery (as lovely as it is) taking over the place. I will be continuing to blog, though, and will bring you updates on my crafty new home as I go.
No doubt I'll be tweeting, too, so you won't miss a thing.
Happy New Year, everyone!